
Samarkand: The pearl of the Silk Road

Located in the heart of Central Asia, Samarkand is one of the oldest cities in the world, rich in history and culture. Located in what is now Uzbekistan, the city was once an important center on the legendary Silk Road, which linked East and West. With a history dating back more than 2,500 years, Samarkand has seen many cultures and civilizations, each leaving its mark.

Samarkand’s origins date back to the 7th century BC, when the city was known as Marakanda and was conquered by the Persians. Alexander the Great captured it in 329 BC and described it as «the most beautiful city on earth». Over the centuries, Samarkand has been ruled by various dynasties, including the Sogdians, Persians, Arabs and Turks.

The city reached its apogee in the 14th century under the reign of Timur (Timurlan), who made Samarkand his capital. Under the Timurid dynasty, Samarkand became an important center of art, science and architecture. The many impressive buildings that can still be admired today date from this period.

One of the most impressive architectural constructions is Registan Square, the heart of the city, which is surrounded by three majestic madrasas (Islamic schools): Ulugbeg madrasa, the Sher-Dor madrasa and the Tilla-Kari madrasa. These buildings are decorated with elaborate mosaics, tiles and domes and bear witness to the high level of craftsmanship of the period.

The other major monument is the Gur-i Emir mausoleum, Tamerlane’s mausoleum, which boasts an impressive dome and detailed interior decoration. The Bibi-Khanum mosque, once one of the largest mosques in the world, and the Shah-i-Zinda necropolis with a series of magnificent mausoleums.

Samarkand was not only the architectural center, but also the cultural and scientific center. The city attracted scholars, artists and craftsmen from all over the Islamic world. Among the most famous was Ulughbeg, Timur’s grandson, who was renowned for his astronomical and mathematical knowledge. His observatory was one of the most advanced of its time.