
Kyrgyzstan is known as the «Switzerland of Central Asia», due to the beauty of its nature.

Kyrgyzstan is one of the most beautiful countries in Central Asia. Our list of top ten places to see in Kyrgyzstan includes gorgeous wild mountain pastures inhabited by modern semi-nomads living in summer yurts, as well as large alpine lakes dotting a landscape characterized by charming villages.

The cities are Soviet planned with some modern buildings and a diverse population. It’s these contrasts that make the country such a rewarding one to travel within. Here are our picks for what should go to the top of your Kyrgyzstan bucket list.

Official name: The Republic of Kyrgyzstan
Capital: Bishkek
Surface area: 198,500 km2
Population: 6,018,789
Official languages: Kyrgyz and Russian
President: Sadyr Japarov
Currency: Kyrgyz som
Climate: Continental
Geography: Steppes and mountains
Highest point : Pobedy Peak 7,439 m
Electricity: 220V, 50Hz, European plug